Managing the SoS Value Cycle

by Philip Boxer
The need for Through-Life Capability Management (TLCM) represents a step-change in the relationship between purchaser and provider that involves both parties in the whole value cycle that requires systems to be understood as more than socio-technical, and makes it necessary to model the structure-determining as well as the structure-determined processes.


by Philip Boxer
Strategy-at-the-edge requires that a double challenge be met which balances internal changes with external opportunities. The effects ladder provides a way of agreeing what this means for both customer and supplier where the customer’s demands are necessarily asymmetric.

Managing to Relationship

by Richard Veryard
Masood Mortazavi uses Transaction Cost Economics to explain the difference between Managing to Contract vs. Managing to Relationship. In this post, I want to link this discussion to the key notion of Asymmetric Demand.

The Faustian Pact

by Philip Boxer North-South dominance works when the environment can be assumed to be symmetrical to North’s assumptions about it. As the variety of actual demands on the organization increase, making this assumption increasingly less…

East-West Dominance

by Philip Boxer
East-West dominance requires networked forms of organisation that can hold ‘the edge’ accountable for the way it uses the resources of the supporting organisation, but in relation to the situation in which the demand is arising. This contrasts with the hierarchical forms associated with N-S dominance. What is at stake is the performativity of what is done in relation to the demand at the edge, rather than the performance of what is done against centrally (symmetrically) defined criteria. It is not that hierarchy isn’t still necessary, but rather that it has to be situationally rather than universally defined.