Title: Conjectural Marketing Organisation Author: Boxer, P.J. & Wensley, J.R.C. Category: Working Publication Year: 1982 Abstract: No abstract available
Title: Niches and Competition: The Ecology of Market Organisation Author: Boxer, P.J. & Wensley, J.R.C. Category: Working Publication Year: 1982 In this paper, we link together some of the analytical approaches adopted by ecological forms…
Title: Supporting Reflective Learning Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1980 Where Published: Human Relations 33(1) The paper develops a framework which extends Kelly’s theory of personal constructs so that it can incorporate concepts…
Title: Learning as a Subversive Activity Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1981 Where Published: In Boydell T. & Pedler M. (eds) ‘Management Self-Development: concepts and practices’, Gower. What is meant by ‘subversive’? Is…
Title: Reflective Analysis Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1981 Where Published: In Shaw M.L.G. (ed) ‘Recent Advances in Personal Construct Technology’, Academic Press. The paper describes a method of computer assisted reflective learning…
Title: Supporting reflective learning: towards a reflexive theory of form Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1981 Where Published: In Bonarius H., Holland R. & Rosenberg S. (eds) ‘Personal Construct Psychology: Recent Advances in…
Title: Reflective Learning Author: Philip Boxer & Richard Boot Category: Published Publication Year: 1980 Where Published: Beck J. & Cox C. (eds) “Advances in Management Education”, Wiley. Reflective Learning is a method of facilitating learning…
Title: Developing the Quality of Judgement. Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1978 Where Published: Personnel Review, Vol 7 No 2 36-39. Abstract: This paper considers how the gap between ‘academic’ knowledge and ‘practical’…
Sunday, 02 December 1979 14:36 Title: Designing Simulators for Strategic Managers. Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1979 Where Published: Journal of Management Studies, 16(1) 30-44. Abstract: The activity of strategic management is important…
Title: Managing Metamorphosis Author: Philip Boxer Category: Published Publication Year: 1979 Where Published: Proceedings of the 25th International Meeting of the Society of General Systems Research, Springer-Verlag. Abstract: The concept of managing metamorphosis is developed…