by Philip Boxer The presentation describing this pathway within the 3rd epoch domain explores what are the limits to being strategic at the level of the organisation as a whole? Capturing value on the demand-side…
Category: Power-to-the-Edge
Determining an organisation’s responses to demand at its edges.
by Philip Boxer Delivering East-West dominance involves finding the ‘edge’. But how is a strategy-at-the-edge to be delivered? How are services at the edge to be supported if they must be responsive to the customer’s…
by Philip Boxer The different kinds of value proposition at the edge involve different kinds of relationship to the user as follows 1: With r-type propositions, there is no relationship to the user’s situation, the…
by Philip Boxer
In the blog on East-West Dominance, we talked about taking power to the edge, but where is this ‘edge’? Where is it? This is a question of what forms of competitive advantage the organisation can create.
by Richard Veryard
There are two interesting aspects of the attempted reforms of healthcare in the UK and elsewhere: the muddled notions of power to the edge embodied by some of the proposals, and the repeated attempts to enact similar reforms over the past thirty years.
by Philip Boxer
A turbulent environment is one that has a life of its own that can no longer be ignored by the organisation, i.e. it becomes asymmetric in a way that cannot be ignored. A vortex is what happens when organisations are not willing or able to adapt to this environment – they continue to ignore it, not because it is not there, but because they have no way of responding to it.
Must we then fall ultimately into this vortex? It depends on whether we can find it within ourselves to take up the double challenge these environments pose to our identities.
by Richard Veryard
Philip’s post on Managing over the whole governance cycle draws on some important work by Max Boisot, and I wanted to expand on this a little.
by Philip Boxer
It is the personal nature of the response to the customer that distinguishes taking power to the edge of the organisation. It used to be possible to rely on ‘free’ market processes for creating such innovations, but in the 21st Century the whole cycle has to be managed. This presents those leading at the edge with a double challenge, but it also presents business leadership with the need to develop a capacity for asymmetric governance.
by Richard Veryard
Power to the edge is about changing the way individuals, organizations, and systems relate to one another and work.
- empowerment of individuals at the edge of an organization
- adoption of an edge organization, with greatly enhanced peer-to-peer interactions.
- moving senior personnel into roles that place them at the edge