Title: Directions: who needs discourses, and what use are they? Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1991 Abstract: No abstract available
Author: philipjboxer
Title: Marketing Project Groups Author: Boxer, P.J. & Bagshaw, J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1991 Abstract: No abstract available Download the full article
Title: The Crux of the present(ed) matter: addressing crucial questions Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1991 Abstract: No abstract available Download the full article
Title: What does a consultant want? Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1991 Abstract: No abstract available Download the full article
Title: What is the good of psychoanalysis: Zizek and the vanishing mediatrix Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1991 Where Published: CFAR Seminar Abstract: No abstract available Download the full article
Consultants What then do we mean by ‘consultant’? In a recent conversation with Henry Mintzberg[1] he was talking about there being three different kinds of consultant: Birds, Gurus and Process consultants. His explanations of the…
Title: Judging the quality of development: the subject of knowing Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Working Publication Year: 1990 Abstract: This paper traces the origins of the technique of reflective analysis, as supported by CRITIK;…
Title: Book by Elliot Jaques: ‘Requisite Organisation: The CEO’s Guide to Creative Structure and Leadership’ Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Review Publication Year: 1990 Where Published: Management Education and Development Vol 21 Part 4 Winter 1990…
Title: The economy of discourses: a third order cybernetics ? Author: Philip Boxer & Vincent Kenny Category: Published Publication Year: 1990 Where Published: Human Systems Management Volume 9 Number 4 pp 205-224. Abstract: This…
Title: The ethics of consultancy Author: Boxer, P.J. & Kenny, J.V. Category: Working Publication Year: 1989 Abstract: No abstract available