Title: | Book by Elliot Jaques: ‘Requisite Organisation: The CEO’s Guide to Creative Structure and Leadership’ |
Author: | Boxer, P.J. |
Category: | Review |
Publication Year: | 1990 |
Where Published: | Management Education and Development Vol 21 Part 4 Winter 1990 pp 337-339 |
I suspect that the usefulness in what he has written lies in the way in which he interprets it in relation to the particular of his experience. Like an analyst perhaps? So are we (the Other Serious Readers of his introducing Memorandum?) to become analysts if we are to work with this book in practice? If process follows structure, is there to be a Requisite Organisation II – what the CEO didn’t see?! Jaques sets high standards by which to be judged. What he has achieved is a milestone in the understanding of organization. But I think Jaques has developed an explanation of what he has learnt from his 40 years’ experience, and left his own position out of it.