Question: I need to be clearer about why Zizek is wrong in your terms (and why I should care). His reading of Schelling seems to be entirely through a Lacanian lens – or at least…
Category: Asymmetric Demand
Demand that is specific to a particular context-of-use.
Question: Can you please tell me, in as simple terms as possible, the meaning that you have for “the doubling of the double task”. I think I understand you and have visited your blog, but…
The last blog ended on the challenges faced by customers created by ‘market failures’. Market failure arises when providing a product or service to a market-defining aggregation of demand cannot be economically justified on the…
Using the biological metaphors from the 2nd blog, we have approached a corporation as being like a holobiont understood as being operationally and managerially independent. This enables us to include a corporation’s constituent business units,…
If we take up the biological metaphors from the 2nd blog, we can approach a corporation as being like a holobiont. This enables us to include its constituent business units, subcontractors and outsourced services as…
Introduction We return now to the issues raised by the first blog in this series: what is involved in the doubling of the Harold Bridger’s double task (Bridger 1990)?[1] In order to compete effectively in…
In the last blog, we described how the variety of possible 1st order behavioral closures constituted superposed states representing all the possible behaviors able to be realized by a living system. This restricted the possible…
The Tavistock Institute community was well aware of the challenges presented by ecosystems (Trist and Murray 1997), addressing the different nature of turbulent environments (Emery and Trist 1965), the referent or regulative organizations that arose…
I wrote a blog recently on how 21st Century Capitalism differs from 20th Century Capitalism (Boxer 2023). It argued that Marx worked with two dialectics: not only the dialectic between use-value and exchange value, but…
Distinguishing the Q-sectors The need for dynamic alignment and synchronization – the capabilities associated with the top-Λ of the double-V cycle – arise as a consequence of the competitive pressures created by accelerating demand tempos….