Performative Organisation: learning to design or designing to learn

Title: Performative Organisation: learning to design or designing to learn
Author: Boxer, P.J. & Wensley, J.R.C.
Category: Working
Publication Year: 1996

Performative organisation is capable of sustaining relational strategies both between operating units and their customers and also between the units themselves and the organisational centre. Enabling individual business units to exercise design control over the way they relate to their client/customers requires a different kind of (general) business architecture. This general business architectures must sustain a clear distinction between the ‘macro’ concerns of corporate process, which covers the design of appropriate relationships and structures within which the ‘micro’ concerns of SBU strategy process can be effectively addressed; and which relate to the specific issues of configuring business activities in a particular manner to achieve sustainable relationships with its customers. Being able to sustain relational strategies demands network-based organisation in which authority is built from alliances around addressing the needs of the client/customer.

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