Title: Taking power to the edge of the organisation: role as praxis Author: P.J. Boxer & C.A. Eigen Category: Presentation Publication Year: 2005 Where Published: ISPSO Symposium, Baltimore In their book on the revolution taking…
Category: Presentations
Title: Triply Articulated Modelling of the Anticipatory Enterprise Author: Boxer, P.J. & Cohen, B. Publication Year: 2004 Where Published: International Conference on Complex Systems, Boston. Abstract: People expect the behaviours of large, complex systems of…
Title: Chaos: undecidabilities in the eye of anticipatory understanding Author: Boxer, P.J. Publication Year: 1998 Where Published: Workshop on Organisational Ecology, Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick University Abstract: No abstract available Download the full article
Title: The Architecture of Quality – issues when clients can’t evaluate your work Author: Boxer, P.J. Publication Year: 1998 Where Published: Forum on developing the Top Consultant, Richmond Group of IMC, June This presentation describes…
Title: Unconventional Paradigms for Requirements Engineering – Alternative Perspectives Author: Boxer, P.J., Cohen, B. & Loomes, M. Publication Year: 1997 Where Published: BCS RE Day. September Abstract: No abstract available
Title: The Stratification of Cause: when does the desire of the leader become the leadership of desire? Author: Boxer, P.J. Category: Presentation Publication Year: 1996 Where Published: 8th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and…
Title: Radical Change Processes in the Self-Organising Business System Author: Boxer, P.J. & Kenny, J.V. Publication Year: 1991 Where Published: The Giambattista Vico Institute, University of Groningen. March 6-8 Abstract: No abstract available