by Philip Boxer
The double challenge involves not only responding to the customer’s demand at the edge, but also creating the organisational context that will sustain that response.
Category: Interoperability
The ability of independent systems to work together.
by Philip Boxer
This interoperability landscape describes a layer mediating between the demands of users within their contexts-of-use and the supply of services from APIs. We are interested in using this form of analysis from the point of view of particular new forms of demand to see where there are gaps in the resultant landscape. These gaps will identify risks that will need to be mitigated if those new forms of demand are to be satisfied. Asymmetric design is our name for the process for identifying and mitigating these gaps.
by Richard Veryard
What we are particularly keen on is finding ways in which some added value can be released for a business by tackling some aspects of the third asymmetry incrementally…